Source code for pymem

import ctypes
import ctypes.util
import functools
import logging
import platform
import struct
import sys

import pymem.exception
import pymem.memory
import pymem.process
import pymem.ressources.kernel32
import pymem.ressources.structure
import pymem.ressources.psapi
import pymem.thread
import pymem.pattern

# Configure pymem's handler to the lowest level possible so everything is cached and could be later displayed
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Pymem(object): """Initialize the Pymem class. If process_name is given, will open the process and retrieve a handle over it. Parameters ---------- process_name: str The name of the process to be opened """ def __init__(self, process_name=None): self.process_id = None self.process_handle = None self.thread_handle = None self.is_WoW64 = None self.py_run_simple_string = None self._python_injected = None if process_name: self.open_process_from_name(process_name) self.check_wow64()
[docs] def check_wow64(self): """Check if a process is running under WoW64. """ self.is_WoW64 = pymem.process.is_64_bit(self.process_handle)
[docs] def list_modules(self): """List a process loaded modules. Returns ------- list(MODULEINFO) List of process loaded modules """ modules = pymem.process.enum_process_module(self.process_handle) return modules
[docs] def inject_python_interpreter(self, initsigs=1): """Inject python interpreter into target process and call Py_InitializeEx. """ def find_existing_interpreter(_python_version): _local_handle = pymem.ressources.kernel32.GetModuleHandleW(_python_version) module = pymem.process.module_from_name(self.process_handle, _python_version) self.py_run_simple_string = ( module.lpBaseOfDll + ( pymem.ressources.kernel32.GetProcAddress(_local_handle, b'PyRun_SimpleString') - _local_handle ) ) self._python_injected = True pymem.logger.debug('PyRun_SimpleString loc: 0x%08x' % self.py_run_simple_string) return module.lpBaseOfDll if self._python_injected: return # find the python library python_version = "python{0}{1}.dll".format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) python_lib = pymem.process.get_python_dll(python_version) if not python_lib: raise pymem.exception.PymemError('Could not find python library') # Find or inject python module python_module = pymem.process.module_from_name(self.process_handle, python_version) if python_module: python_lib_h = find_existing_interpreter(python_version) else: python_lib_h = pymem.process.inject_dll(self.process_handle, bytes(python_lib, 'ascii')) if not python_lib_h: raise pymem.exception.PymemError('Inject dll failed') local_handle = pymem.ressources.kernel32.GetModuleHandleW(python_version) py_initialize_ex = ( python_lib_h + ( pymem.ressources.kernel32.GetProcAddress(local_handle, b'Py_InitializeEx') - local_handle ) ) self.py_run_simple_string = ( python_lib_h + ( pymem.ressources.kernel32.GetProcAddress(local_handle, b'PyRun_SimpleString') - local_handle ) ) if not py_initialize_ex: raise pymem.exception.PymemError('Empty py_initialize_ex') if not self.py_run_simple_string: raise pymem.exception.PymemError('Empty py_run_simple_string') param_addr = self.allocate(4) self.write_int(param_addr, initsigs) self.start_thread(py_initialize_ex, param_addr) self._python_injected = True pymem.logger.debug('Py_InitializeEx loc: 0x%08x' % py_initialize_ex) pymem.logger.debug('PyRun_SimpleString loc: 0x%08x' % self.py_run_simple_string)
[docs] def inject_python_shellcode(self, shellcode): """Inject a python shellcode into memory and execute it. Parameters ---------- shellcode: str A string with python instructions. """ shellcode = shellcode.encode('ascii') shellcode_addr = pymem.ressources.kernel32.VirtualAllocEx( self.process_handle, None, len(shellcode), pymem.ressources.structure.MEMORY_STATE.MEM_COMMIT.value | pymem.ressources.structure.MEMORY_STATE.MEM_RESERVE.value, pymem.ressources.structure.MEMORY_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE.value ) if not shellcode_addr or ctypes.get_last_error(): raise RuntimeError('Could not allocate memory for shellcode') pymem.logger.debug('shellcode_addr loc: 0x%08x' % shellcode_addr) written = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0) if '64bit' in platform.architecture() else ctypes.c_ulong(0) pymem.ressources.kernel32.WriteProcessMemory( self.process_handle, shellcode_addr, shellcode, len(shellcode), ctypes.byref(written) ) # check written self.start_thread(self.py_run_simple_string, shellcode_addr)
[docs] def start_thread(self, address, params=None): """Create a new thread within the current debugged process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address from where the thread starts params: int An optional address with thread parameters Returns ------- int The new thread identifier """ params = params or 0 NULL_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES = ctypes.cast(0, pymem.ressources.structure.LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) thread_h = pymem.ressources.kernel32.CreateRemoteThread( self.process_handle, NULL_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, 0, address, params, 0, ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ulong(0)) ) last_error = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLastError() if last_error: pymem.logger.warning('Got an error in start thread, code: %s' % last_error) pymem.ressources.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(thread_h, -1) pymem.logger.debug('New thread_id: 0x%08x' % thread_h) return thread_h
[docs] def open_process_from_name(self, process_name): """Open process given its name and stores the handle into process_handle Parameters ---------- process_name: str The name of the process to be opened Raises ------ TypeError If process name is not valid ProcessNotFound If process name is not found CouldNotOpenProcess If process cannot be opened """ if not process_name or not isinstance(process_name, str): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(process_name)) process32 = pymem.process.process_from_name(process_name) if not process32: raise pymem.exception.ProcessNotFound(process_name) self.process_id = process32.th32ProcessID self.open_process_from_id(self.process_id)
[docs] def open_process_from_id(self, process_id): """Open process given its name and stores the handle into `self.process_handle`. Parameters ---------- process_id: int The unique process identifier Raises ------ TypeError If process identifier is not an integer CouldNotOpenProcess If process cannot be opened """ if not process_id or not isinstance(process_id, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(process_id)) self.process_id = process_id self.process_handle = if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.CouldNotOpenProcess(self.process_id) pymem.logger.debug('Process {} is being debugged'.format( process_id ))
[docs] def close_process(self): """Close the current opened process Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no process opened """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') pymem.process.close_handle(self.process_handle) self.process_handle = None self.process_id = None self.is_WoW64 = None self.py_run_simple_string = None self._python_injected = None if self.thread_handle: pymem.process.close_handle(self.thread_handle)
[docs] def allocate(self, size): """Allocate memory into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- size: int The size of the region of memory to allocate, in bytes. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no process opened TypeError If size is not an integer Returns ------- int The base address of the current process. """ if not size or not isinstance(size, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(size)) if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') address = pymem.memory.allocate_memory(self.process_handle, size) return address
[docs] def free(self, address): """Free memory from the current opened process given an address. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be freed. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no process opened TypeError If address is not an integer """ if not address or not isinstance(address, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(address)) if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') return pymem.memory.free_memory(self.process_handle, address)
@property def process_base(self): """Lookup process base Module. Raises ------ TypeError process_id is not an integer ProcessError Could not find process first module address Returns ------- MODULEINFO Base module information """ if not self.process_id: raise TypeError('You must open a process before calling this property') base_module = pymem.process.base_module(self.process_handle) if not base_module: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError("Could not find process first module") return base_module @property def base_address(self): """Gets the memory address where the main module was loaded (ie address of exe file in memory) Raises ------ TypeError If process_id is not an integer ProcessError Could not find process first module address Returns ------- int Address of main module """ return self.process_base.lpBaseOfDll @property @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1) def main_thread(self): """Retrieve ThreadEntry32 of main thread given its creation time. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no process opened or could not list process thread Returns ------- Thread Process main thread """ if not self.process_id: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') threads = pymem.process.enum_process_thread(self.process_id) threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda k: k.creation_time) if not threads: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('Could not list process thread') main_thread = threads[0] main_thread = pymem.thread.Thread(self.process_handle, main_thread) return main_thread @property @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=1) def main_thread_id(self): """Retrieve th32ThreadID from main thread Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no process opened or could not list process thread Returns ------- int Main thread identifier """ if not self.process_id: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') return self.main_thread.thread_id
[docs] def read_bytes(self, address, length): """Reads bytes from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. length: int Number of bytes to be read Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed Returns ------- bytes the raw value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_bytes(self.process_handle, address, length) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, length, e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_bool(self, address): """Reads 1 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- bool returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_bool(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('?'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_char(self, address): """Reads 1 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- str returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_char(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('b'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_uchar(self, address): """Reads 1 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- str returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_uchar(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('B'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_int(self, address): """Reads 4 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- int returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_int(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('i'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_uint(self, address): """Reads 4 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- int returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_uint(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('I'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_short(self, address): """Reads 2 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- int returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_short(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('h'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_ushort(self, address): """Reads 2 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- int returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_ushort(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('H'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_float(self, address): """Reads 4 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- float returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_float(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('f'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_long(self, address): """Reads 4 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- int returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_long(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('l'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_ulong(self, address): """Reads 4 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- int returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_ulong(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('L'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_longlong(self, address): """Reads 8 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- int returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_longlong(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('q'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_ulonglong(self, address): """Reads 8 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- int returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_ulonglong(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('Q'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_double(self, address): """Reads 8 byte from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- int returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') try: value = pymem.memory.read_double(self.process_handle, address) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, struct.calcsize('d'), e.error_code) return value
[docs] def read_string(self, address, byte=50): """Reads n `byte` from an area of memory in a specified process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be read. byte: int Amount of bytes to be read Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryReadError If ReadProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer Returns ------- str returns the value read """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if not byte or not isinstance(byte, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(byte)) try: value = pymem.memory.read_string(self.process_handle, address, byte) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryReadError(address, byte, e.error_code) return value
[docs] def write_bytes(self, address, value, length): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: bytes the value to be written length: int Number of bytes to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, bytes): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_bytes(self.process_handle, address, value, length) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_bool(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: bool the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, bool): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_bool(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_int(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: int the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_int(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_uint(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: int the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_uint(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_short(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: int the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_short(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_ushort(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: int the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_ushort(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_float(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: float the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_float(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_long(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: int the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_long(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_ulong(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: int the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_ulong(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_longlong(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: int the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_longlong(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_ulonglong(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: int the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_ulonglong(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_double(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: float the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_double(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_string(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: str the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) value = value.encode() try: pymem.memory.write_string(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_char(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: str the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) value = value.encode() try: pymem.memory.write_char(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)
[docs] def write_uchar(self, address, value): """Write `value` to the given `address` into the current opened process. Parameters ---------- address: int An address of the region of memory to be written. value: int the value to be written Raises ------ ProcessError If there is no opened process MemoryWriteError If WriteProcessMemory failed TypeError If address is not a valid integer """ if not self.process_handle: raise pymem.exception.ProcessError('You must open a process before calling this method') if value is None or not isinstance(value, int): raise TypeError('Invalid argument: {}'.format(value)) try: pymem.memory.write_uchar(self.process_handle, address, value) except pymem.exception.WinAPIError as e: raise pymem.exception.MemoryWriteError(address, value, e.error_code)