
Eager to get started? This page gives a good introduction to Pymem. Follow Installation to set up a project and install Pymem first.

A Minimal Application

A minimal Pymem application looks something like this:

from pymem import Pymem

pm = Pymem('notepad.exe')
print('Process id: %s' % pm.process_id)
address = pm.allocate(10)
print('Allocated address: %s' % address)
pm.write_int(address, 1337)
value = pm.read_int(address)
print('Allocated value: %s' % value)

So what did that code do?

  1. First we imported the Pymem class. An instance of this class will be our win32api wrapper

  2. Next we create an instance of this class. The first argument is the name of the windows process we want to hook into.

    Be aware that after creating an instance of Pymem with the process name as an argument, the process will be opened with debug mode flags.

  3. We then allocate 10 bytes into given _notepad.exe_ process with allocate().

  4. For the example we then write an integer with write_int() and read it with read_int().

  5. We then free memory from the current opened process at the given address with free().

Save it as hello.py or something similar. Make sure to not call your application pymem.py because this would conflict with Pymem itself.

To run the application, first start notepad.exe be sure to have pymem installed within your current python environment and simply execute your script.

$ python hello.py
  Process id: 2345
  Allocated address: 123456789
  Allocated value: 1337