Injecting a python interpreter into any process

Pymem allow you to inject python.dll into a target process and then map py_run_simple_string with a single call to inject_python_interpreter().

from pymem import Pymem
import os
import subprocess

notepad = subprocess.Popen(['notepad.exe'])

pm = Pymem('notepad.exe')
filepath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('.'), 'pymem_injection.txt')
filepath = filepath.replace("\\", "\\\\")
shellcode = """
f = open("{}", "w+")

So what did that code do?

  1. we start notepad process and get its handle

  2. we hook pymem with notepad process

  3. we call inject_python_interpreter() which will:

  • dynamically finds the correct python dll and inject it

  • register py_run_simple_string

  1. then we inject some python code with inject_python_shellcode() which will:

  • VirtualAllocEx some space for the code to be written

  • write the actual payload into allocated space

  • execute py_run_simple_string so the python code gets interpreted within the notepad process

  1. finally we get rid of notepad process