Source code for pymem.process

import ctypes
import locale
import logging
import os

import pymem.ressources.advapi32
import pymem.ressources.kernel32
import pymem.ressources.psapi
import pymem.ressources.structure

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_python_dll(version): """Given a python dll version will find its path using the current process as a placeholder Parameters ---------- version: str A string representation of python version as a dll (python38.dll) Returns ------- str The full path of dll """ current_process_id = os.getpid() current_process_handle = for module in pymem.process.enum_process_module(current_process_handle): if == version: return module.filename
[docs]def inject_dll(handle, filepath): """Inject a dll into opened process. Parameters ---------- handle: int Handle to an open object filepath: bytes Dll to be injected filepath Returns ------- DWORD The address of injected dll """ filepath_address = pymem.ressources.kernel32.VirtualAllocEx( handle, 0, len(filepath), pymem.ressources.structure.MEMORY_STATE.MEM_COMMIT.value | pymem.ressources.structure.MEMORY_STATE.MEM_RESERVE.value, pymem.ressources.structure.MEMORY_PROTECTION.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE.value ) pymem.ressources.kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(handle, filepath_address, filepath, len(filepath), None) kernel32_handle = pymem.ressources.kernel32.GetModuleHandleW("kernel32.dll") load_library_a_address = pymem.ressources.kernel32.GetProcAddress(kernel32_handle, b"LoadLibraryA") thread_h = pymem.ressources.kernel32.CreateRemoteThread( handle, None, 0, load_library_a_address, filepath_address, 0, None ) pymem.ressources.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(thread_h, -1) pymem.ressources.kernel32.VirtualFreeEx( handle, filepath_address, len(filepath), pymem.ressources.structure.MEMORY_STATE.MEM_RELEASE.value ) dll_name = os.path.basename(filepath) dll_name = dll_name.decode('ascii') module_address = pymem.ressources.kernel32.GetModuleHandleW(dll_name) return module_address
[docs]def get_luid(name): """Get the LUID for the SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege """ luid = pymem.ressources.structure.LUID() res = pymem.ressources.advapi32.LookupPrivilegeValue(None, name, luid) if not res > 0: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't lookup privilege value") return luid
[docs]def get_process_token(): """Get the current process token """ token = ctypes.c_void_p() res = pymem.ressources.advapi32.OpenProcessToken( ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetCurrentProcess(), pymem.ressources.structure.TOKEN.TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, token ) if not res > 0: raise RuntimeError("Couldn't get process token") return token
[docs]def set_debug_privilege(lpszPrivilege, bEnablePrivilege): """Leverage current process privileges. Parameters ---------- lpszPrivilege: str Privilege name bEnablePrivilege: bool Enable privilege Returns ------- bool If privileges have been leveraged """ # create a space in memory for a TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure # with one element size = ctypes.sizeof(pymem.ressources.structure.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES) size += ctypes.sizeof(pymem.ressources.structure.LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(size) tp = ctypes.cast(buffer, ctypes.POINTER(pymem.ressources.structure.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES)).contents tp.count = 1 tp.get_array()[0].LUID = get_luid(lpszPrivilege) tp.get_array()[0].Attributes = ( pymem.ressources.structure.SE_TOKEN_PRIVILEGE.SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED if bEnablePrivilege else 0 ) token = get_process_token() res = pymem.ressources.advapi32.AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, False, tp, 0, None, None) if res == 0: raise RuntimeError("AdjustTokenPrivileges error: 0x%08x\n" % ctypes.GetLastError()) ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED = 1300 return ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLastError() != ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED
[docs]def base_module(handle): """Returns process base module Parameters ---------- handle: int A valid handle to an open object Returns ------- MODULEINFO The base module of the process """ hModules = (ctypes.c_void_p * 1024)() process_module_success = pymem.ressources.psapi.EnumProcessModulesEx( handle, ctypes.byref(hModules), ctypes.sizeof(hModules), ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ulong()), pymem.ressources.structure.EnumProcessModuleEX.LIST_MODULES_ALL ) if not process_module_success: return # xxx module_info = pymem.ressources.structure.MODULEINFO(handle) pymem.ressources.psapi.GetModuleInformation( handle, ctypes.c_void_p(hModules[0]), ctypes.byref(module_info), ctypes.sizeof(module_info) ) return module_info
[docs]def open(process_id, debug=True, process_access=None): """Open a process given its process_id. By default, the process is opened with full access and in debug mode. Parameters ---------- process_id: int The identifier of the process to be opened debug: bool If the process should be opened in debug mode process_access: pymem.ressources.structure.PROCESS Desired access level, defaulting to all access Returns ------- int A handle to the opened process """ if not process_access: process_access = pymem.ressources.structure.PROCESS.PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS.value if debug: set_debug_privilege('SeDebugPrivilege', True) process_handle = pymem.ressources.kernel32.OpenProcess(process_access, False, process_id) return process_handle
[docs]def open_main_thread(process_id): """List given process threads and return a handle to first created one. Parameters ---------- process_id: int The identifier of the process Returns ------- int A handle to the main thread """ threads = enum_process_thread(process_id) threads = sorted(threads, key=lambda t32: t32.creation_time) if not threads: return # todo: raise exception main_thread = threads[0] thread_handle = open_thread(main_thread.th32ThreadID) return thread_handle
# TODO: impl enum for thread access levels
[docs]def open_thread(thread_id, thread_access=None): """Opens an existing thread object. Parameters ---------- thread_id: int The identifier of the thread to be opened thread_access: int Desired access level, defaulting to all access Returns ------- int A handle to the opened thread """ if thread_access is None: thread_access = 0x001F03FF thread_handle = pymem.ressources.kernel32.OpenThread(thread_access, 0, thread_id) return thread_handle
[docs]def close_handle(handle): """Closes an open object handle. Parameters ---------- handle: int A valid handle to an open object Returns ------- bool If the closure succeeded """ if not handle: return success = pymem.ressources.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) return success != 0
[docs]def list_processes(): """List all processes Returns ------- list[ProcessEntry32] A list of open process entries """ SNAPPROCESS = 0x00000002 hSnap = pymem.ressources.kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(SNAPPROCESS, 0) process_entry = pymem.ressources.structure.ProcessEntry32() process_entry.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(process_entry) p32 = pymem.ressources.kernel32.Process32First(hSnap, ctypes.byref(process_entry)) if p32: yield process_entry while p32: yield process_entry p32 = pymem.ressources.kernel32.Process32Next(hSnap, ctypes.byref(process_entry)) pymem.ressources.kernel32.CloseHandle(hSnap)
[docs]def process_from_name(name): """Open a process given its name. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the process to be opened Returns ------- ProcessEntry32 The process entry of the opened process """ name = name.lower() processes = list_processes() for process in processes: if name in process.szExeFile.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding()).lower(): return process
[docs]def process_from_id(process_id): """Open a process given its name. Parameters ---------- process_id: int The identifier of the process to be opened Returns ------- ProcessEntry32 The process entry of the opened process """ processes = list_processes() for process in processes: if process_id == process.th32ProcessID: return process
[docs]def module_from_name(process_handle, module_name): """Retrieve a module loaded by given process. Parameters ---------- process_handle: int Handle to the process to get the module from module_name: str Name of the module to get Returns ------- MODULEINFO The retrieved module Examples -------- >>> d3d9 = module_from_name(process_handle, 'd3d9') """ module_name = module_name.lower() modules = enum_process_module(process_handle) for module in modules: if == module_name: return module
[docs]def enum_process_thread(process_id): """List all threads of given processes_id Parameters ---------- process_id: int Identifier of the process to enum the threads of Returns ------- list[ThreadEntry32] The process's threads """ TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD = 0x00000004 hSnap = pymem.ressources.kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0) thread_entry = pymem.ressources.structure.ThreadEntry32() ret = pymem.ressources.kernel32.Thread32First(hSnap, ctypes.byref(thread_entry)) if not ret: raise pymem.exception.PymemError('Could not get Thread32First') while ret: if thread_entry.th32OwnerProcessID == process_id: yield thread_entry ret = pymem.ressources.kernel32.Thread32Next(hSnap, ctypes.byref(thread_entry)) pymem.ressources.kernel32.CloseHandle(hSnap)
[docs]def enum_process_module(handle): """List and retrieves the base names of the specified loaded module within a process Parameters ---------- handle: int Handle of the process to enum the modules of Returns ------- list[MODULEINFO] The process's modules """ hModules = (ctypes.c_void_p * 1024)() process_module_success = pymem.ressources.psapi.EnumProcessModulesEx( handle, ctypes.byref(hModules), ctypes.sizeof(hModules), ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_ulong()), pymem.ressources.structure.EnumProcessModuleEX.LIST_MODULES_ALL ) if process_module_success: hModules = iter(m for m in hModules if m) for hModule in hModules: module_info = pymem.ressources.structure.MODULEINFO(handle) pymem.ressources.psapi.GetModuleInformation( handle, ctypes.c_void_p(hModule), ctypes.byref(module_info), ctypes.sizeof(module_info) ) yield module_info
# TODO: should this be named is_wow64?
[docs]def is_64_bit(handle): """Determines whether the specified process is running under WOW64 (emulation). Parameters ---------- handle: int Handle of the process to check wow64 status of Returns ------- bool If the process is running under wow64 """ Wow64Process = ctypes.c_long() pymem.ressources.kernel32.IsWow64Process(handle, ctypes.byref(Wow64Process)) return bool(Wow64Process.value)